Mail's Here! Clever creative behind Classy Cards on her memorable sarcasm and taking her business from hobby to full-time hustle

Classy Cards, run by Cassy Collins, is a small, one woman shop located around Halifax, Nova Scotia. Classy Cards started as a hobby with an online Etsy shop, and as orders increased, it quickly turned into a full-time job. If you've seen Cassy's products before, you'll remember them right away for their quick wit and delightfully sarcastic quotes. Pair her sense of humour with a background in graphic design, and we're not surprised that you can find Classy Cards in over 150 stores.
Classy Cards and Halifax Paper Hearts joined forces earlier this year, sharing a booth at the Toronto Gift + Home Market (CanGift). Cassy has also been instrumental in bringing Paper Hearts Post Office to life by designing our logo and helping to craft the overall look and feel of our branding. We are so excited to now be introducing Cassy as a Paper Hearts Pen Pal!
We've already mentioned that you started Classy Cards as a hobby and then went full time, but what made you decide to make that jump from ultra-successful graphic designer into owning your own card line?
Classy Cards is a product of my sarcastic personality and my design background. I would always struggle to find a card that reflected my personality, and that would say something that I would actually say and not just some mushy poem about friendship, love, or getting older. So that's kind of how it all started.
You obviously saw there was a niche for your sense of humour. How did you know it was the right time to make the switch to Classy Cards?
I opened up my online shop using Etsy as a place to sell these cards I was creating while I was still working a full-time job at a design firm. I was fortunate enough to have some of my cards featured on sites like Buzzfeed and Huffington Post within weeks of opening my online shop, which helped build the popularity of my shop.
Because of this boost of popularity, I was able to confidently leave my job just six months later to make Classy Cards my full-time hustle. Since then, I've shipped my products to over 50 countries and have my products in over 150 shops across Canada and the USA.
What is your favourite thing about stationery?
There is something so nice about holding a physical card in your hands rather than just receiving an email wishing you a happy birthday. I love finding the perfect card to give someone. Sometimes I’m more excited to give someone the card than the actual present.
If you could share one piece of advice for others looking to go full-time with their side hustle, what would it be?
Treat your business like an actual business and not just a hobby. It took me a while to look at Classy Cards as my full-time job, mainly because it didn't feel like a job to me. Once I took it seriously, then things really started to grow.
Want to be friends with Cassy online? You can find her on your favourite social platforms right here:
Photo credit: Classy Cards